Words for when you need encouragement.

I wrote this script for those whose mom’s may be departed, or for those who need to hear from a mom, but not necessarily their own mom. These words are great to hear before a big test, a job interview or simply when you need a self-esteem boost. The words are from the perspective of a mom.

You got this.

I believe in you.

You are always the smartest person in the room

You are beautiful.

I am always amazed by your courage.

You can do anything you set your mind to.

If there isn’t a door, create one.

You are in control of your path.

You are valuable.

You are successful.

You are stronger than you think.

You can achieve anything you want.

You are amazing.

Everything you need is already within you.

You deserve this.

You are confident.

You are so brave.

You radiate confidence.

If you would like to hear these affirmations, please listen to my podcast, Affirmation Generator, available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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